Coosawattee Foundation issues challenge grant for SGA's Endowment Fund

1 Min Read

What, you missed the Audacious Archaeology Auction? Guess what—it is not too late to contribute to the Endowment Fund of the SGA! A challenge grant opportunity has been issued by the Coosawattee Foundation—the Foundation will match up to $250.

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1 Min Read

in lithics, it’s a nucleus of stone from which flakes have been removed Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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Criel Mound, South Charleston, West Virginia

2 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) In October 2008 I visited a circular Indian mound on the south bank of the Kanawha River, in South Charleston, West Virginia. The mound is right downtown and is the focus of the central municipal park.

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cultural anthropology

1 Min Read

the study of modern humans and their learned behaviors and culture Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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Cultural heritage tourism: Main Street USA

3 Min Read

Submitted by Kelly Woodard ([email protected]) Historic Thomasville, Georgia (courtesy of the Georgia Archives) MSNBC recently featured this story praising the flourishing Main Street Program located in Thomasville, Georgia. This news reel discusses how Thomasville’s award-winning program is helping the small Georgian town prosper, even during a recession.

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cultural resource management (CRM)

1 Min Read

in general, this term applies to the recording and investigation of archaeological sites uncovered or to be impacted by planned public construction and engineering projects, although it extends to archival research and other undertakings; see also public archaeology

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1 Min Read

the learned beliefs and behaviors shared, and passed on, by the members of a society Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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culture history

1 Min Read

the descriptive who, where, and when of a particular culture Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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Cumberland Island teacher training event: May 22nd

1 Min Read

Submitted by Amber ([email protected]) Consider attending this all-day event at Cumberland Island, intended to familiarize educators with archaeology resources for the classroom that can enhance learning opportunities in math, science, art, and social studies.

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1 Min Read

an early form of recordation (writing) used in Mesopotamia from the third to the first millennium BC, consisting of symbols carved into clay using a reed tool Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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