Dick's Ridge serpentine stone wall

6 Min Read

Submitted by Tommy Hudson ([email protected]) About twenty years ago I heard of a “serpent” that had been constructed out of stone on Dick’s Ridge in northwest Georgia. Last year a local informant, Wade Gilbert, led me to not one but three such stone constructions in the same area.

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Dig into this website

1 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Yes, dig into this website…like an archaeologist! Discover its layers, its hidden treasures. One good place to start are stories about our publications, the journal Early Georgia, our quarterly newsletter, The Profile, and a few special publications.

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Digging Savannah app has launched

1 Min Read

Submitted by Laura Seifert The Digging Savannah app is now available in the Google Play marketplace. The app will work on most Android devices including smartphones and tablets. Just search for “Digging Savannah.

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Digging Savannah iPhone app now available in iTunes

1 Min Read

Submitted by Laura Seifert The Digging Savannah iPhone app has launched and is now available in iTunes! This app joins our recently updated Android app. The Digging Savannah smartphone apps allow you to discover Savannah’s archaeology sites.

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Discovery of unknown cemeteries at Hunter Army Airfield sheds light on a forgotten past

9 Min Read

Submitted by Shalonda Rountree ([email protected]) Hunter Army Airfield in Savannah, Georgia has been the focus of an important archaeological discovery over the last three years. In August of 2006 during excavation for a fiber-optic utility line in the heart of the Airfield’s cantonment, construction workers encountered several bones quite unexpectedly.

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disturbance processes

1 Min Read

after an artifact or place is abandoned, it can be affected by many types of disturbance processes, e.g., percolating rainwater, erosion, digging creatures, later human occupation including being trampled underfoot, etc.

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Dju notice?

1 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Perhaps you watched Steve Jobs and other Apple people introduce the iPad on 27 January 2010…. Fans of archaeology might have noted that one of the major demonstrations, of the program Keynote (does a better job of making presentations than the Microsoft program Powerpoint), used the topic “Seven Wonders of the World,” which focused on selected archaeological sites.

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DNR website redesigned

1 Min Read

The website of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources has been redesigned, and is now more attractive, not to mention informative! The DNR is the state entity responsible for Georgia’s cultural resources.

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DNR-Historic Preservation Division hires two new archaeologists

2 Min Read

Submitted by Richard Moss (DNR-Historic Preservation Division) The Historic Preservation Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources now employs two additional archaeologists, Rachel Black and Richard Moss. Black serves as a review archaeologist and is primarily responsible for assessing archaeological investigations conducted by/for the Georgia Department of Transportation.

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Download digital version of 2011 Archaeology Month poster

1 Min Read

The Society for Georgia Archaeology is proud to offer this year’s Archaeology Month poster, celebrating the theme Gone But Not Forgotten: Rediscovering the Civil War through Archaeology—and May is Archaeology Month in Georgia.

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