Fort Daniel news, artifacts

3 Min Read

Submitted by Gwinnett Archaeological Research Society Figure 1. English leaded crystal from Fort Daniel. GARS continues its study of the Fort Daniel site (9GW623) in Gwinnett County, having completed the first phase of investigations on November 9 after 16 weekends in the field.

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Fort Daniel tract now owned by Gwinnett County

4 Min Read

Submitted by Jim D’Angelo GARS and FDF efforts at the Fort Daniel site in Gwinnett County have finally paid off. On December 21, 2012, Gwinnett County closed on the 4.5-acre tract within which the entire fort site is situated.

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Fort Daniel volunteers honored

1 Min Read

On Tuesday, September 16, the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners honored volunteers from the Fort Daniel Foundation for their work on the historic site. Click here to read the coverage in the Gwinnett Daily Post.

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Fort Daniel: A geophysical survey of an 1813 Georgia frontier fort

6 Min Read

Submitted by Dr. Sheldon Skaggs and Dr. James D’Angelo ([email protected]) The search for the exact location of Fort Daniel began in the summer of 2007 when the Gwinnett Archaeological Research Society (GARS), under the direction of Dr.

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FPAN provides teacher resources online

1 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) The Florida Public Archaeology Network has been established by the Florida legislature to provide, among other things, public outreach. The East Central Region of FPAN has posted online various teacher resources, including PDFs of two books of hands-on archaeology activities that teachers can use.

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Frank Schnell memorial service scheduled for March 14th

1 Min Read

Photo from Columbus Ledger-Enquirer online. Frank Schnell’s memorial service is scheduled for March 14, 2010, at 3:30 at the Lumus Chapel at Linwood Cemetery in Columbus, Georgia. He died in mid-January.

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Free lecture, pottery washing event, January 14th

2 Min Read

Submitted by Jim Langford ([email protected]) Back by popular demand, the Northwest Georgia Archaeology Society will hold a prehistoric pottery washing and seminar on Thursday, January 14, 2010 at New Echota Historic Site located near Calhoun, Georgia.

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1 Min Read

the residence of Spanish priests or members of certain Catholic orders, especially the mendicant orders (Franciscans, Augustinians, Dominicans, and Carmelites) Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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Friends of Scull Shoals Herb Walk in memory of Dr. Durham

3 Min Read

Submitted by Debbie Cosgrove ([email protected]) Editor’s Note: Horticulturist Debbie Cosgrove recounts the November 7, 2010, herb walk in which she identified and discussed native herbs and other plants used by Dr.

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Frontiers in the Soil

1 Min Read

SGA’s 2004 topic for Archaeology Month revolved around the new edition of Frontiers in the Soil. The book, with its compelling cartoon images, was the basis of the 2004 Archaeology Month poster.

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