In difficult economic times, we thank you

1 Min Read

Submitted by Rita Elliott ([email protected]) In economic times such as we are experiencing today, it may be difficult to contribute to your favorite worthy non-profit. We understand and we appreciate past and current donors.

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In honor and in honorariums

2 Min Read

Submitted by Rita Elliott ([email protected]) Recently my husband, Dan, and I learned of the deaths of two friends. Both had been clergy and both were connected to the coastal colonial site of the Salzburgers, some of Georgia’s first European settlers.

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in situ

1 Min Read

In situ is properly italicized because it is a Latin term; it refers to the original placement of an artifact or feature encountered during survey or excavation Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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In the National Park System, cultural resources "are in serious trouble"

4 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Image from page 4 of The State of America’s National Parks, a report by the Center for Park Research of the National Parks Conservation Association. It is identified as: “This historic structure in Yosemite National Park now serves as a museum and bookstore.

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Incoming SGA President's message: Fall 2010

3 Min Read

Submitted by Catherine Long ([email protected]) SGA President Catherine Long “talks archaeology” with a visitor to the ArchaeoBus exhibit at the Georgia National Fair in October 2010. The 2010 Fall Meeting was truly remarkable—several new board members and officers, awesome tours around St.

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1 Min Read

see Native American Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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Industrial development at Fort Gaines, Georgia

5 Min Read

Submitted by Dean Wood ([email protected]) Southern Research, Historic Preservation Consultants, Inc. has conducted historical research and field survey of a tract in Fort Gaines along the Chattahoochee River. Our research included a search of Georgia’s Historic Preservation Division’s National Register of Historic Places files, the Georgia Archaeological Site Files, The Georgia Department of Archives and History’s Virtual Archives, and the Digital Library of Georgia.

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Inside the Ring: Recent excavations at the St. Catherines Island shell ring

3 Min Read

Submitted by Matthew C. Sanger ([email protected]) The American Museum of Natural History (AMNH) has been lucky enough to work on St. Catherines Island, Georgia for the last 30+ years. Since 2006, the museum has focused its attention on the Late Archaic Period (3000-1000 B.

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Interactive Civil War timeline offered by NY Times

2 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) One-hundred-and-fifty years ago on December 8th 1860, the Southern Senatorial caucus met in Washington, DC. A New York Times story published the next day noted:

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Interesting artifact

1 Min Read

Submitted by Heather Mauldin ([email protected]) Click to see larger. New South Associates, Inc., recently performed excavations at the Berry Creek site (9MO487) in Monroe County, Georgia, for Georgia Power Company. Many of the ceramics in the artifact assemblage were identified as representative of the Swift Creek culture, and several ground- and chipped-stone tools were recovered.

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