North Carolina historical maps online

1 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Looking for an historical map of North Carolina? You’re in luck! The Carolina Digital Library and Archives at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill now has debuted North Carolina Maps, an online resource that includes digitized versions of more than 3000 maps dating from the late 1500s through 2000, and detailed maps for each of North Carolina’s counties.

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Notes from the Hardin Bridge Site

2 Min Read

Submitted by Jeannine Windham ([email protected]) Meta-slate axe from the Hardin Bridge site. Research of the Hardin Bridge Site (9BR34) in Bartow County site is ongoing at New South Associates. Laboratory analysis has shown that the Hardin Bridge site represents a Late Archaic through early Middle Woodland timeframe based on lithic and pottery specimens.

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Notes on the Chicopee Limestone Kiln near Gainesville

4 Min Read

Submitted by Lorraine Norwood, Dan Page, and Jack Wynn The GMAS Archaeology Chapter met on Saturday, July 7, 2007 at the home of Jon Hoekstra, professor at Gainesville College, and resident of Chicopee Mill Village, which is adjacent to Chicopee Woods.

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November 13, 2010

3 Min Read

Today I want to tell you all about the crazy Georgia National Fair in Perry. As you know, Diary, this was the very first time I went to the fair. I knew it was going to be a big deal when I heard that 26 volunteers would be working with me during the eleven days of the fair!

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November 15, 2010

3 Min Read

The ArchaeoBus at the Georgia Council for the Social Studies annual state conference in Athens. As promised, I will tell you about another October first for me. In late October I went to the Georgia Council for the Social Studies annual state conference in Athens, Georgia.

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November 26, 2011

2 Min Read

I got to set up here next to the Museum of Science and History. My banner on the corner attracted bridge and downtown traffic. Dee Dee Joyce and her friend try my ethno-botanical boards.

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November 27, 2011

4 Min Read

Here I am, up-close and personal with the cool blockhouse replica at Ft. Hawkins! [Photo courtesy of Echo Halstead Burrell.] (Figure 1, Caption, “Here I am, up-close and personal with the cool blockhouse replica at Ft.

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November 28, 2011

1 Min Read

Part of the crowd inside the brewery. I counted several hundred people go through the doors! Young people, students, older people, even dogs! Lots of dogs! Mind you, I like dogs, that is, dogs that don’t “like” my tires, if you know what I mean….

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November 29, 2011

2 Min Read

Here’s my VIP spot right in front of the Classic Center entrance! Here I am keeping an eye on my handlers manning the table top activities inside. Note my lovely banner “shades” keeping the sun at bay.

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November 8, 2011

2 Min Read

Parked on the edge of I-95. My handlers, Veronica and Real Dan were a bit vexed, and urged me to keep going, but I just couldn’t. Meanwhile, all these uppity big rig 18-wheelers were speeding by me and not the first one stopped to help!

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