PLoS blogs and viral archaeology

2 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Expand your horizons! Read new science blogs! One of the first topics is a new paper on viral archaeology—what’s that?! On 1 September 2010, PLoS debuted PLoS Blogs, which they describe as “a new network for discussing science in public; covering topics in research, culture, and publishing.

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Points, pottery, and hafting

8 Min Read

Submitted by Scott Jones ([email protected]) Major technological and cultural innovations have the potential to influence technology and culture beyond the immediate realm of the innovation itself. While the widespread adoption of fired clay ceramics in the terminal Archaic/Early Woodland era is directly relevant to food preparation, the transition from indirect heating (stone-boiling) to direct heating in pots represents a dynamic techno-cultural change.

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political economy

1 Min Read

system of economics and political structure within a particular culture Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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1 Min Read

to think about something carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion; visit the Society for Georgia Archaeology’s Weekly Ponder Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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Pondering the SGA...and you

1 Min Read

Are you looking for the latest Weekly Ponder? If so, remember that the Society for Georgia Archaeology is a volunteer organization. This website is brought to you by SGA member-volunteers.

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post hole

1 Min Read

a hole that is dug to receive an upright timber for a building, wall, or other structure As the structure decays, traces of the posts are left in the soil, usually seen as a stain (the post) within a stain (the hole), if well preserved (see feature).

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pot hunter

1 Min Read

someone who takes artifacts from sites for non-scientific reasons, such as to add to their collection or to sell Pot hunting on federal and most state lands is illegal. In Georgia, it’s also illegal to pot hunt on private lands without the written permission of the landowner.

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potassium-argon dating

1 Min Read

a technique used to date material remains based on the rate at which radioactive potassium reverts to argon when it decays; potassium-argon dating is useful on remains that are too old to be dated by radiocarbon methods (e.

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potsherd or sherd

1 Min Read

a broken piece of pottery or a fragment of a ceramic vessel Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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Pre-Paleoindian (also Pre-Clovis)

1 Min Read

refers to aboriginal occupations of the New World that date to the time before Paleoindian or Clovis times Although somewhat controversial, evidence is mounting that humans occupied the Americas before Paleoindian times.

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