President Blanton honored by HPD

1 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) HPD Director Ray Luce, on left, with award recipients Melina Vasquez, Lillian Davis, SGA President Dennis Blanton, Erica Danylchak, Richard Laub, Emily Eigel, Hilary Morrish, and Catherine Edgemon.

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President outlines changes ahead for the SGA

3 Min Read

Submitted by Dennis Blanton ([email protected]) As the new president, I welcome the responsibility of leading The Society for Georgia Archaeology again. The organization is prospering and functioning in ways that were almost unthinkable when I served as president over a quarter-century ago.

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President's Message through June 2011

4 Min Read

Submitted by Catherine Long ([email protected]) Welcome summer! I hope this message finds you well and enjoying a relaxed and hot summer here in Georgia. Hopefully you were able to attend SGA’s Spring Meeting on May 14th—the membership and general public participated in an educational meeting full of Civil War archaeology and recent archaeology research as well as a weekend full of fun activities.

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President's Message, December 2011

3 Min Read

Submitted by Catherine Long ([email protected]) As the 2011 year rapidly winds down I take this opportunity to report on the status of the Society for Georgia Archaeology. The organization is in good financial health.

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President's Message, fall 2008

5 Min Read

Submitted by Carolyn Rock It’s hard to believe that my term as President of SGA is coming to an end. I have thoroughly enjoyed interacting with so many volunteers, both professional and avocational, who are dedicated to the preservation of Georgia’s archaeological heritage.

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President's Message, spring 2008

2 Min Read

Submitted by Carolyn Rock This Spring’s SGA symposium is just around the corner, scheduled for Saturday, April 26 at the Fernbank Museum of Natural History in Atlanta. The meeting, titled Archaeological Encounters in Georgia’s Spanish Period: New Discoveries and Improved Understandings, will provide a full day of speakers presenting the latest discoveries about the Spanish colonial presence in the state, and Spain’s interaction with Native Americans as well as other Europeans.

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President's Message, summer 2008

5 Min Read

Submitted by Carolyn Rock ([email protected]) Another Georgia Archaeology Month has just been completed, May 2008! The Spring meeting held on Saturday, April 26, was a grand introduction to the month. Meeting chairman and SGA Vice President Dennis Blanton of the Fernbank Museum put together a well-planned program centered on the theme, “Archaeological Encounters in Georgia’s Spanish Period.

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President's message, winter 2007

5 Min Read

Submitted by Carolyn Rock What’s the definition of “milestone,” and why does it apply to the Society for Georgia Archaeology this fall? The first answer follows here: Milestone (n) 1. a stone serving as a milepost 2.

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President's Message: Fall 2011

5 Min Read

Submitted by Catherine Long ([email protected]) It is that time of the year when good things happen. The weather is cooler and the leaves change into a delightful array of colors. If you are like me it is also one of the busiest times of the year.

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President's Message: Fall 2012

3 Min Read

Submitted by Catherine Long ([email protected] [email protected] [email protected]) October is a busy but magical time of the year—with cooler temperatures and the beautiful kaleidoscope of leaf color, it is one of my favorite seasons.

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