Private organizations

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The Coosawattee Foundation, based in Calhoun, seeks to educate the public about the value of past and present Native American cultures, to work with landowners to preserve archaeological sites and the natural environments in the immediate vicinity of these sites, and to persuade the public and government leaders of the need to implement public policy mechanisms to protect these resources.

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an outhouse, or a toilet located in a small shed outside a house or other building Posted online on Sunday, March 15th, 2009

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Profile Papers

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The Profile Papers: Technical Papers from the First Seventy-Five Issues of the Society for Georgia Archaeology Newletter was compiled by Patrick H. Garrow and George S. Lewis. The SGA reprinted useful and important articles that were difficult to obtain in the days before digital publications and widespread use of the Internet.

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Programs and planning

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Submitted by Bulloch Hall Archaeological Society The BHAS members used the September meeting as an annual planning meeting. Later in the fall we had two programs presented. One was by member Fred Scheidler on October 18th on Michoacan Bells.

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Project Archaeology website

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Project Archaeology, based in Montana, has affiliated state programs around the USA, although not currently in Georgia. The mission of the PA is to use archaeological inquiry to foster understanding of past and present cultures; improve social studies and science education; and enhance citizenship education to help preserve our archaeological legacy—all using a hands-on approach.

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projectile point/knife (PP/K or PPK)

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refers to stone points that were attached to spears or arrows, or stone tools used as a knife. Many stone tools commonly referred to as arrowheads were too large and heavy to have been attached to an arrow shaft and shot from a bow; the term PPK is a better choice.

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Proposed increased funding for NSF budget under review

2 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) On June 16th, President Barack Obama’s office responded to a proposal by the House of Representatives to reduce the funding he has proposed for FY 2010 of the National Science Foundation (NSF) by $108 million.

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provenience (provenance)

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the exact location of an artifact or feature within a site, based on its placement in a grid and its depth below the ground surface Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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the science of mental processes and emotional behavior of humans Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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public archaeology

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in general, this term applies to any archaeological projects undertaken with total or partial funding from public coffers (Federal, state, municipal, other); see also CRM archaeology Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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