Reconstruct, stabilize, or ???

3 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Simple schematic representation of basic choices we face in managing archaeological resources. This includes historic buildings as well as in-the-ground remains. All have associated costs in money, labor, and preservation of the resources.

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Reconstructing archaeological ruins

2 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) One thing we have to consider when reconstructing ruins of any sort, including historic and ancient buildings, is the period or date to make the reconstruction match.

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Reconstructing the Past: Archaeology and Experimentation

17 Min Read

Submitted by Scott Jones ([email protected]) Archaeologists seeking to reconstruct past lifeways rely for their interpretations on the timeworn remains of ancient cultures for guidance; here in our humid Georgia climate, we are further disadvantaged since often only the inorganic residues of prehistoric culture remain.

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1 Min Read

the process of describing, explaining, and interpreting all facets of life in a now extinct culture—from the ways people made a living, to the clothes they wore, to the type of social organization in which they participated.

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regional analysis

1 Min Read

the study of entire cultures or large sociopolitical units, especially through the investigation of change and continuity in settlement systems over a long period of time Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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Register at the meeting

1 Min Read

Online and pre-registration by mail for the SGA’s Fall 2012 meeting, to be held Saturday, October 27th, in Columbus are now closed. You can register at the meeting. Registration begins at 8:30AM.

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Register NOW for Fall Meeting

5 Min Read

Submitted by Kevin Kiernan ([email protected]) Historic Preservation of Prehistoric, Colonial and Plantation Structures on the Coast UPDATE: Read final meeting agenda by clicking here. Now’s the time to mark your calendars and register for the Society for Georgia Archaeology’s Fall Meeting, which will be Friday-Sunday, 15-17 October.

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Register NOW for Spring Meeting, 2011

4 Min Read

Submitted by Tammy Herron ([email protected]) Gone But Not Forgotten: Rediscovering the Civil War through Archaeology Now’s the time to mark your calendars and register for The Society for Georgia Archaeology’s Spring Meeting, which will be held May 13–15, 2011 in McDonough, Georgia.

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Register online for the Spring Meeting

2 Min Read

Please pre-register for the SGA’s 2013 Spring Meeting, on Saturday, May 18th, in Macon using our new online registration option. This option is only available through Sunday, May 12th to give us time to order lunches.

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relative dating techniques

1 Min Read

methods that determine when an event occurred in relation to other events—before, simultaneously, after Posted online on Monday, January 1st, 2001

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