Researcher skill: Assessing letters

2 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) General Howard is standing at left in this drawing of General William T. Sherman (seated, center) and his generals printed on the front page of the 29 November 1894 issue of the National Tribune; it has Howard’s signature on the left.

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Researchers investigate prehistoric use of Selden Park

1 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Photo by Terry Dickson. Terry Dickson reports in the online version of The Augusta Chronicle about archaeological investigations in the Brunswick community of Selden Park in an article dated October 3rd, 2010.

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Reserve your room for October meeting in Athens

1 Min Read

A block of fifteen rooms are reserved at the Holiday Inn in Athens (197 E. Broad Street) for the upcoming Fall Meeting. The meeting will be all day on Saturday, October 22nd, 2011.

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Resources at Risk

2 Min Read

Resources at Risk: Defending Georgia’s Hidden Heritage is a special issue of Early Georgia, published in May 2001. The goals of this issue were 1) to expand public perception of what archaeology is and what archaeologists do; 2) to call attention to the urgent need for the preservation and stewardship of archaeological resources, or at least the recovery of basic information before it is destroyed; and, 3) to spur discussion of new ways that Georgians can accumulate more archaeological knowledge and save more resources, and disseminate this new information to the public.

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Reunion of PIT volunteers, April 30th

2 Min Read

Submitted by Jack Wynn ([email protected]) The exterior front of the company store-warehouse building today. Were you ever a Passport In Time Volunteer? If so, you are invited to the Passport In Time (PIT) Reunion at Scull Shoals, Georgia!

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Revisiting Anneewakee Creek (9DO2)

4 Min Read

Submitted by Dylan Woodliff During October 2012, Edwards-Pitman Environmental, Inc. (EPEI) conducted a Phase I archaeological survey for a proposed improvement to the intersection of SR 166/Duncan Memorial Highway and SR 92/SR 154 in Douglas County, Georgia.

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Rice-farming in Georgia, briefly

3 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Satellite image from Google Maps, showing outlines of abandoned rice fields in marsh area. Peter A. Coclanis, in the online New Georgia Encyclopedia, writes: Rice cultivation began in South Carolina in the late seventeenth century but did not become deeply entrenched until the second or third decade of the eighteenth century.

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Rita Elliott to receive 2010 Governor's Award in the Humanities

2 Min Read

In a letter from Governor Sonny Perdue, long-time SGA member and past president Rita Elliott was informed that she will be a recipient of the prestigious Governor’s Award in the Humanities.

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1 Min Read

a set of behaviors, which perhaps may be termed a ceremony, usually performed for symbolic reasons; rituals may be regularly performed (e.g., daily, weekly, or seasonally), or they may be performed in conjunction with a specific event (e.

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Rituals and archaeology: MLK's two burial places

3 Min Read

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) By definition, archaeologists do not have access to data on the full range of the culture of the people who left behind the remains they investigate.

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