The SGA’s vision
is to reach out to all Georgians and help them understand the significance of archaeological sites so that they support archaeological preservation, education and research.
The SGA’s mission
is to unite all persons interested in the archaeology of Georgia and to work actively to preserve, study and interpret Georgia’s historic and prehistoric remains.
The SGA accomplishes its mission by:
- Advocating archaeological site preservation
- Educating the public about the significance of our state’s archaeological sites (Archaeology Month)
- Aligning with state organizations/agencies to promote preservation of archaeological sites (Historic Preservation Division, Georgia Council of Professional Archaeologists, Department of Natural Resources)
- Encouraging members and the public to observe and report looting or vandalism of archaeological sites to proper authorities
- Encouraging scientific investigation, study and interpretation of archaeological remains under professional guidance
- Maintaining a close relationship with Georgia Council of Professional Archaeologists
- Exploring, advocating and publicizing opportunities for funding archaeological investigations
- Promoting scientific study of archaeological topics by middle and high school students (e.g., Social Science Fair awards)
- Publishing and distributing the results of scientific investigations
- Publishing biannually a professionally edited journal (Early Georgia)
- Publishing news of importance to our members on our website
- Publishing special publications as finances and materials permit.
- Educating the public about the archaeology of Georgia
- Sponsoring a month long promotion of Georgia’s archaeological sites (Archaeology Month)
- Sponsoring biannual meetings, activities, presentations, tours, and educational demonstrations for members and the public
- Supporting chapters’ programs and related activities across the state
- Providing resources (speakers, video library) for chapters' educational programs