Submitted by Rita Elliott

We make a living by what we get. We make a life by what we give.—Winston Churchill

The Society for Georgia Archaeology welcomes your contribution to its growing Endowment Fund. We thank all contributors to date, including our 2005 donors. These most recently include Terry Hynes and Lucy Banks. We have reached $15,394.75 of our $100,000 goal. Here are answers to some frequently asked questions:

What is the purpose of the Endowment Fund? The endowment was established in the Spring of 2003 in order to create a stable source of funding for the many projects SGA wants to accomplish. These consist of education-related, research-oriented, and/or public outreach projects. The fund is in a separate, permanent financial account in which the principal cannot be spent. The interest it generates, however, is the revenue source for projects.

Who contributes to the Endowment Fund? A variety of individuals and organizations have contributed to date. This includes SGA members, board members, officers, and non-members. Contributions have come from Georgia to Alaska, and many points in between. People contribute as tributes to others, as memorials, as presents, as tax deductions, and as general donations.

How can an SGA Endowment Fund make a difference? Adequately funded SGA projects can help stem the destruction to Georgia’s prehistoric and historic sites and the information they contain by:

Conducting a comprehensive survey of artifact collectors across the state and recording their site information;

Creating education projects that enlighten all Georgians about the fragility of our archaeological resources and how they can be protected;

Advocating for the protection of sites when possible, and the scientific recovery of the maximum amount of information when protection is not an option;

Encouraging and assisting in the completion of archaeological reports for unreported, excavated sites;

Devising innovative ways in which Georgians can participate in discovering and understanding their heritage; and

Developing a variety of archaeologically related projects as tools for promoting eco-tourism, heritage education, and K-12 education.

How can I contribute? There are many ways to make financial contributions, including:

Writing a lump sum check;

Pledging a contribution paid in monthly or quarterly installments;

Making a contribution in the honor of someone’s birthday, anniversary, or other celebration;

Making a memorial contribution in someone’s name as a way of honoring their life; and

Remembering SGA in your estate planning.

What do I get for my contribution? There are many rewards to being a contributor:

Enjoying immense satisfaction in helping to preserve Georgia’s historic and prehistoric sites;

Knowing that future generations of children will be able to share in the excitement of learning about Georgia’s past;

Realizing that one person can indeed make a difference;

Making an impact on Georgia’s future beyond your own lifetime;

Participating in the search and acquisition of new scientific information about the past;

Earning a tax deduction to a 501(c)3 non-profit as fully allowable by law.

What kind of projects can the Endowment Fund support?

Comprehensive survey of artifact collectors across the state;

Innovative projects in which Georgians can participate to discover their archaeological heritage;

Public education projects that enlighten Georgians about the fragility of our archaeological sites;

Advocacy for protection of sites and scientific recovery of information; · Assistance in the completion of archaeological reports for unreported, excavated sites;

Archaeologically-related projects to promote eco-tourism and education.

Want to learn more about the Endowment Fund? Please contact Rita Elliott, [email protected]; (912) 826-5214 (evenings). Contribution checks may be labeled “Endowment” and mailed to: SGA Treasurer, P.O. Box 693, Athens, GA 30603. Thank you!

Posted online on Thursday, September 1st, 2005

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A gift that keeps giving

Submitted by Sudha Shah ([email protected]) During this holiday season, consider honoring a special someone with a contribution in their name to the Endowment Fund of the Society for Georgia Archaeology. Give a remarkable gift that touches generations to come and preserves your archaeological legacy in Georgia.

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