In Fall 2007, SGA met at the Gwinnett Environmental and Heritage Center, 2020 Clean Water Drive (near The Mall of Georgia), Buford.

The Search For Fort Daniel
Jim D’Angelo, TRC and Gwinnett Archaeological Research Society

The traditional location of one of Georgia’s early frontier forts, Fort Daniel, has been marked with a roadside historical sign for many years, but there has never been any physical evidence to support the supposed location…until now. Archaeological investigations at the Hog Mountain site in Gwinnett County, undertaken by the Gwinnett Archaeological Research Society (GARS) have confirmed the traditional location of the 1813 Fort Daniel and a 1790s fort that preceded it. Hundreds of artifacts, including wrought and early machine nails, musket shot and flint, ceramics, brick, and intact features are consistent with a military installation dating from this period.

Theory and Limitations of Ground Penetrating Radar: Fort Daniel Results
Sheldon Skaggs, University of Georgia

A brief introduction to the theory of GPR and its use in site detection. Results from the Fort Daniel survey will be presented to show how preconceived ideas and soil conditions can limit the usefulness of any remote sensing technique. Emphasis will be placed on comparing two or more techniques in the decision making process along with the use of post excavation knowledge.

Hardin Bridge: A Look at an Early Middle Woodland Settlement
R. Jeannine Windham, New South Associates, Inc

The Hardin Bridge site is a narrow terrace settlement located on the bank of the Etowah River. The early Middle Woodland component at this site shows a dependence on a localized catchment area that was revisited for a restricted amount of time. This paper discusses the Cartersville occupation revealed during recent excavations. Further, the utilization of the immediate catchment area is explored within the concepts of Primary Forest Efficiency and nascent Woodland agricultural practices.

The History of the Dugout Canoe in Georgia
Leslie Perry, Fernbank Museum

From the penned words of Christopher Columbus upon his arrival in the West Indies, the Arawak word ‚“canoa” has evolved to the English word “canoe”. By interpreting the ethno-historical, historical, and archaeological records, and analyzing those records in the context of the known cultural and physiographical environment, the history and evolution of the wooden dugout canoe in Georgia shall come into clearer focus. Selected samples of dugout canoes have surfaced within Georgia boundaries for measurement and study that lend spatial and temporal data which aids in the research. The initial findings suggest a lowdensity recovery rate relative to the size of the state, but the more important story is not mathematical—the critical importance of this cultural resource lies in its ability to relate part of the story of human life gone by.

The Archaeology and Oral History of a Tenant Farming Community in Randolph County, Georgia
Jennifer Azzarello, New South Associates, Inc.

Investigating and managing tenant farming sites in the Southeast can prove challenging as they tend to be underrepresented, poorly preserved, and lacking in artifacts and architectural remains. Recently, the Georgia Department of Transportation initiated a data recovery and oral history survey of Site 9RH41, which has proven to be a well-preserved tenant farming community in Randolph County, Georgia. This paper presents the data that has been collected from the excavations and the oral history survey then poses questions for future research on how to best interpret and manage these resources.

Age-Related Changes in Mortuary Practices at the King Site
David Hally, University of Georgia

Approximately 250 burials were recovered from the 16th century King site in northwestern Georgia during excavations in the early 1970s and early 1990s. Mortuary analysis of the collection, using single-year composite age estimates of burials has allowed a number of age-related status changes to be recognized.

Georgia Trust Places in Peril 2008: SGA Nominates the Sunbury Site (9Li4)
Terry Jackson, SGA Advocacy Subcommittee Chair

The Society for Georgia Archaeology has nominated the colonial town site of Sunbury in Liberty County to be featured on the Georgia Trust for Historic Preservation’s Places in Peril List for 2008. SGA will also be submitting a National Register nomination for the Sunbury Cemetery and possibly for a larger archaeological district encompassing other parts of the original town site, which is now rapidly being lost to residential development. SGA will offer opportunities to the new community at Sunbury to study and save parts of their historic past.

Ocmulgee River Basin Archaeological Project
Stephen A. Hammack, Ocmulgee Archaeological Society (SGA)

Preliminary information on work already completed and work planned for the future will be presented. There are several different components of the project, including: 1) contacting artifact collectors in an effort to document their collections; 2) visiting archaeological sites with landowners and collectors in order to obtain UTM coordinates, gathering preliminary information on site size, and completing site forms to be submitted to the Georgia Archaeological Site File; 3) mapping underwater and/ or maritime sites such as prehistoric sites that have eroded into the river, steamboat and barge remains, and prehistoric and historic fish weirs; and 4) locating the lost Creek Indian towns that were situated along the banks of the Ocmulgee River and its tributaries between 1685 and 1715, and 5) conducting excavations at the Waterworks Park in Macon this fall and winter on 9Bi155, a potentially eligible site that is expected to yield information and artifacts that may be interpreted in a permanent Macon History exposition.

Where to find it

Click above to go to a larger Google interactive map of the area.

Posted online on Thursday, October 25th, 2007

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