Submitted by Bulloch Hall Archaeological Society

The BHAS members used the September meeting as an annual planning meeting. Later in the fall we had two programs presented. One was by member Fred Scheidler on October 18th on Michoacan Bells. It started with the metalworking of the Peruvian Vicus culture, through the Moche empire, and then to Mexico. Several bells from Michoacan were shown. Our second program was by Richard Laub of Georgia State University (GSU) on November 15th. He explained the “history” of Historic Preservation in our country and illustrated how it evolved. The movement became more influential with the preservation of Independence Hall, Mt. Vernon, Yellowstone Park, Williamsburg, and many other sites.

Three of our members, Eric Garris, Erin Andrews and Fred Scheidler assisted Jim D’Angelo at the Fort Daniel dig (see additional information in the GARS update) in September. Our members assisted Jim Langford at the Thompson site on September 29th and at the Northwest Georgia Archaeological Society artifact-wash night at Etowah Mound Park November 8th. When Chip Morgan was unable to attend an artifact identification day at Etowah as first planned, we were able to have Lloyd Schroder come and offer excellent advice Saturday November 10th. Our members attended meetings at GAAS, GARS, GMAS, NWGAS, and the SGA fall meeting. Three members, Betty Wilkinson, Carol and Fred Scheidler went to Kennesaw State University (KSU) and heard Dr. Constanza Cerruti on September 26th present on three mummies of Inca children they found high in the Andes. She explained the harsh conditions of recovery and the likely significance the practice had to the Inca. She is the only trained woman High Altitude Archaeologist of four people in the world. This was in National Geographic November 1999. Two of our members went to KSU on November 13th and heard Rick Snow, State Forensic Anthropologist for Georgia. He shared how his Georgia Bureau of Investigation department investigates possible unnatural deaths, and illustrated field methods with recent case studies. Fred Scheidler volunteers at the Fernbank Museum Archaeological Laboratory. Erin Andrews is now working on her Masters at GSU.

BHAS meets in the “Cottage” at Bulloch Hall in Roswell on the 3rd Thursday each month, at 7:30 PM. We welcome you to visit.

Posted online on Saturday, December 1st, 2007

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