Submitted by Rita Elliott ([email protected])

As 2008 rolled in, so did a number of important contributions to The Society for Georgia Archaeology’s Endowment Fund. January, alone, brought $700 worth of donations to the fund. These much-appreciated contributions continue to add to the fund’s principal, which is kept in perpetuity, generating interest. This interest provides funding for archaeology public outreach, research, and educational projects of the society. Recent contributors are helping the fund grow to meaningful amounts. These include William and Kathy Cox, Carole Griffith, Richard and Sonja Sellers, and Jack T. and Mary Frank Wynn. Thank you all very much for your support.

We can make great strides in SGA with a constant and steady financial base. The Endowment will provide this base for outreach programs that will touch Georgians far into the future, from modest beginnings to broad programs. Don’t be left out of the excitement!

Please send your tax-deductible check to: SGA Treasurer, P.O. Box 693, Athens, GA 30603. Note on the memo line “Endowment Fund”. If you would like to discuss opportunities for giving, please contact Rita Elliott, (912) 826-5214 or [email protected]. Thank You!

Posted online on Saturday, March 1st, 2008

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SGA Endowment Fund contributors

Submitted by Rita Elliott ([email protected]) Editor’s note: Rita says this list is current as of 20 May 2010.\ The following people and organizations have demonstrated their support for the Society for Georgia Archaeology by donating to the Society’s Endowment Fund.

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