Submitted by Larissa Thomas ([email protected])

As your editor, it is my pleasure to announce that starting with the next issue, The Profile will be published exclusively in electronic format. The SGA Board made this decision at its recent retreat in an effort to cut costs. For you, the reader, the benefit will be having a full-color publication with no page limit, while more of your membership dollars will go to a range of activities in support of archaeology in Georgia. The electronic version of The Profile will be posted on the revamped SGA website. You will receive an email when the new issue is available with a link to the electronic Profile. The content of The Profile will be accessible as individual articles that you can read online (saving a few trees), but the website will also give you the option of printing the full issue if you choose.

Let me refer you to Sammy Smith’s article about the new website here. To ensure a smooth transition to electronic distribution, please be sure that the SGA Secretary, Tom Gresham, has your current email address. He can be reached via email at [email protected].

I look forward to The Profile’s bold stride into the digital age! If you have any questions or concerns about the transition, please feel free to contact me at (770) 270-1192 ext. 118, during business hours.

Posted online on Friday, March 13th, 2009

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