Georgia’s Historic Preservation Division periodically teams with the Georgia Trust to offer a day-long meeting with assorted speakers who introduce participants to the services and programs the two organizations offer. Consider attending the next Preservation 101 orientation, offered on May 5th. Cost is $30 per person, which covers program materials, continental breakfast, and the afternoon break. Lunch and parking costs are not included.

For more information, including registration form and directions, check out the DNR website here. The registration deadline is Tuesday, April 28 and the event will be held in downtown Atlanta.


8:30 – 9:00 Refreshments will be available.

9:00 – 9:15 Welcome & Introductions

9:15 – 10:00 Preservation Achievement Awards Presentation – Historic Preservation Division

10:00 – 10:30 Why Preserve? – Historic Preservation Division Director Ray Luce

10:30 – 11:00 Archaeology Protection & Education – Historic Preservation Division Deputy Director & State Archaeologist David Crass

11:00 – 11:30 The Georgia Trust’s programs and services – Georgia Trust President and CEO Mark McDonald

11:30 – 12:30 Lunch on your own

12:30 – 2:30 HPD staff presentations about their programs
Historic Resources Survey Program – Kenneth Gibbs
National and Georgia Registers of Historic Places – Gretchen Brock
Certified Local Government program – Jennifer Martin Lewis
Regional Preservation Planning – Leigh Burns
African American Resources and GAAHPN – Jeanne Cyriaque
Question time

2:30 – 2:45 Refreshments will be available.

2:45 – 4:45 HPD staff presentations about their programs
Environmental Review and Compliance – Betsy Shirk
Federal and State Tax Incentives – Ced Dolder
Grants – Carole Moore
Architectural Review – Bill Hover
Summing up: How all these programs work together – David Crass
Question time

4:45 Wrap-up and adjourn

Where to find it

Click above to go to a larger Google interactive map of the area.

Posted online on Tuesday, April 7th, 2009

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the act of maintaining the form and integrity of a structure or building as it presently exists, and halting any further deterioration or decay; it does not include any significant rebuilding

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