Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected])

SGA President Dennis Blanton wears a day-job hat, as Curator of Native American Archaeology at the Fernbank Museum of Natural History, in Atlanta. This summer he’s working on a field project excavating at an early Spanish site in Telfair County. Most exciting for those of us at a distant remove from this project, is that you can read a blog about activities on the project.

Here’s a sample from Tuesday, 2 June:

What our excavation has exposed is a structure that exceeds my expectations of size. Unlike the typical Native dwelling of the period, measuring maybe four to five meters on a side, the one we have brought to light spans no less than 10 meters on a side. Put in more familiar terms, it probably has a floor area approaching 1000 square feet!

Read Dennis’s blog in full by clicking here!

Blogs are text and/or pictures and/or videos posted on the Internet when their author can get an Internet connection, and has something he or she wants to post. A blog can be authored by one or more individuals. The series of posts constitute an on-going narrative, or a kind of diary. The word blog is a short form of the word weblog. Some bloggers post usually short entries dozens of times a day; others may not post for months at a time. Blogging is a very individualized activity.

Posted online on Thursday, June 4th, 2009

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An update on the Archaic period across North America

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) You may not know that PDFs of back issues of the Society for American Archaeology’s magazine The SAA Archaeological Record are available for free, except for the latest issue.

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