Submitted by Dennis Blanton ([email protected])

Our annual public meetings and Archaeology Month events are occasions that expose all that is good about SGA. Our members respond with a great turnout and inevitably we reach a goodly number of others who are just plain curious about Georgia archaeology. The spring meeting at Wesleyan College in Macon was just such an event where, like the spring meeting the previous year, there were over 100 in attendance. And a great many talented and dedicated people worked hard to make all these events a success, as they do year in and year out.

I’m satisfied that there are thousands of people out there with a keen interest in Georgia archaeology, beyond the hundreds we’ve reached for so long. Two new assets of SGA will help us attract and educate them. How ‘bout that ArchaeoBus!? The great unveiling—and christening—happened at Wesleyan in front of a raucous, giddy crowd. And there are now any number of anecdotes from its drivers about interested motorists and onlookers who’ve demanded to know, “Cool—what is this all about!?” And, naturally, we can’t wait to tell them. Then there’s the new edition of the SGA website. It is chock full of wonderful information, all presented in a very attractive and, if I may say so, a pretty classy design. Our webmasters have done a splendid job, but the content our members and others are providing is what ensures ultimate success.

Amongst these bright spots we find challenges, many of which stem from the sad economic state of the world. We cannot help but be dismayed and concerned about the eroding levels of support historic and archaeological sites held in the public trust are receiving. This climate makes it an even greater challenge to secure the future of numerous other, unprotected sites that remain vulnerable to all manner of threats. This includes the predictable uptick in looting that comes with economic downturns. We all will want to find ways to encourage support for the state’s heritage resources, and commit to taking personal steps, like volunteer efforts, that make a difference.

Finally, I look forward to joining you in Gwinnett County for our fall meeting. Look for details in the fall issue of The Profile and on the website. I know that many of us have been very busy this summer in ways that should make for a full slate of wonderful presentations.

Yours in SGA,

Dennis Blanton, President

Posted online on Wednesday, August 5th, 2009

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December issue GARS newsletter available

Read about the activities of the Gwinnett Archaeological Research Society (GARS), a Chapter of the SGA based in Gwinnett County in their newsletter, Gwinnett Archaeology Bulletin. Access a PDF of the December 2012 issue by clicking here.

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