Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected])

Preservation Georgia Online for September 12–18, 2009, lists the four grants funded through statewide preservation license tag sales. The four SFY 2010 Georgia Heritage Grants total $46,285.

They include:

  • • Friends of Calhoun’s GEM Theatre, Inc. for plaster ceiling repair in the GEM Theatre in Gordon County—$14,985
  • • City of Hawkinsville for window repair at the Hawkinsville Opera House in Pulaski County—$10,500
  • • Jenkins County Board of Commissioners for a historic structure report of the Jenkins County Courthouse—$10,800
  • • Roosevelt Warm Springs Rehabilitation Development Fund, Inc. for a conditions assessment report/preservation plan for Georgia Hall (a National Historic Landmark) in Meriwether County—$10,000

The Online newsletter notes:

Georgia Heritage matching grants are available to local governments and non-profit organizations and provide greatly needed “seed” money for preservation projects all across the state. Due to the current economic situation and its resulting impact on the state budget, the Georgia Heritage appropriation was cut for SFY 2009 and SFY 2010. This year, sixteen applicants requested $257,645 to help preserve the state’s historic resources. The support of the preservation community, evidenced in a very tangible manner through tag sales, enabled four of these worthy projects to be funded.

Visit Georgia Heritage Grants online by clicking here.

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Posted online on Friday, September 18th, 2009

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