Submitted by Larissa Thomas ([email protected])

Two issues loom large in the future of The Profile, and both of them require input from the SGA membership. The first pertains to the publication format for the newsletter and/or its contents. As you all know, the SGA Board recently decided to switch to an electronic, web-based publication format in an effort to cut costs and gain some flexibility with regard to the length and content of the publication. The costs of mailing The Profile had increased, and it was decided that accessing the newsletter electronically would be convenient for most of the membership, and allow more of the SGA’s resources to be devoted to activities that we all support. As additional feedback on this decision has been received, there has been further discussion about the printed versus electronic format question, and whether an electronic publication simply duplicates content that could otherwise be posted to the website in various subject areas. The SGA Board seeks your opinion on these matters. First, what are your thoughts on the question of a printed versus electronically published newsletter. If you are comfortable with the idea of an electronically published version but have suggestions now that you have seen how the first issue (Summer 2009) was presented versus the format of the current issue, your feedback is welcome. Finally, if SGA is to use its website as the platform for disseminating information about its happenings and archaeology in Georgia generally, do you believe there is still a place for The Profile as a coherent publication, or do you think it makes sense to simply offer the content that otherwise would have been in The Profile in various parts of the website where relevant? Please contact President Dennis Blanton with your thoughts and recommendations.

The second issue concerning The Profile pertains to me, your editor. Although it has been a pleasure editing, assembling, and printing The Profile over the last three years, I am ready to step down and give someone else the opportunity to immerse themselves in the current affairs of Georgia archaeology. If you are interested in stepping into this role or know someone you think would be a good candidate, please contact me. I will be continuing as editor until SGA finds my replacement and I will provide all needed support in the transition. I look forward to seeing the fresh perspective the new editor will bring!

Posted online on Monday, December 7th, 2009

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