Submitted by Catherine Long (

The Georgia Social Studies Fair was held Saturday, March 20, 2010 at Dutchtown High School in Hampton, Georgia. The Georgia Council for the Social Studies has the following Statement of Purpose:

The program of social studies fairs provides students the opportunity to participate in an activity to gain greater understanding of the social studies disciplines and to acquire skills in the methodology of the social studies. Participating in a statewide program allows students the opportunity to acquire recognition and to be rewarded for academic excellence. This program provides an opportunity to expand the enrich students’ knowledge of and appreciation for the historic, geographic, social political, cultural, and economic structures of our county and of the world.

Catherine Long attended on behalf of the Society for Georgia Archaeology and the Georgia Council of Professional Archaeologists to present two awards of $50 in recognition of excellent projects that promote the study, preservation, and education of archaeology. Of the four projects represented, two were chosen to receive this award. These students submitted outstanding projects that support the mission of both organizations. We appreciate their interest in archaeology and anthropology and wish them the best in their future endeavors.

The winners, Jessica Anthony and Christina Moore, and their projects are shown below. Catherine Long is on the right in both photos.

Jessica Anthony: “Was Lucy Human? A Comparison of Australopithecus afarensis Fossils and Human Bones”
6th Grade, Arnold Elementary School
Teacher: Mrs. Sarrano

Christina Moore: “How Has the Gullah Culture Survived?"
6th Grade, Austin Road Middle School
Teacher: Angelia McQueen

Posted online on Wednesday, March 24th, 2010

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