Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected])

In conjunction with the Spring Meeting during 2010 Archaeology Month, SGA’s Board and Officers met in Albany for about three hours on Friday afternoon, May 14th, the day before the general meeting. Many topics requiring only brief discussion were covered, plus a few that required more reflection. The leadership discussed plans for the next two meetings (Fall 2010 and Spring 2011), and more.

Past President Rita Elliott volunteered to chair the Nominating Committee. Please email Rita here or call her at 912.826.5214 if you’re interested in serving the SGA, either on the Board or in some other capacity. Please volunteer now!

Fall Meeting plans are moving ahead for October 16th, on the coast in the Brunswick/St. Simons Island area. The Fall Meeting Chairman is Board Member Kevin Kiernan.

A special thanks to the Committee who organized the 2010 Archaeology Month activities and meetings, and all who helped with this major undertaking. Tammy F. Herron ably lead this committee.

Posted online on Sunday, May 16th, 2010

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Blueberries for...all?

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) These are modern high-bush blueberries. The fruit are still green; the photo was taken in Atlanta in early May. You may be hearing more about BlackBerries (the smartphones) these days, but blueberries are worth a Ponder.

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