Submitted by Rita Elliott ([email protected])

Editor’s note: Rita says this list is current as of 20 May 2010.\

The following people and organizations have demonstrated their support for the Society for Georgia Archaeology by donating to the Society’s Endowment Fund. The SGA heartily thanks you for your contributions.

Read all Endowment Fund stories online here.

Make your contribution to the Society’s Endowment Fund by sending your check marked “SGA Endowment” to: SGA Treasurer, P.O. Box 693, Athens, GA 30603. If the contribution is a gift or in honor of someone, please include the honoree’s name and complete address with your contribution check. Thank you!

The SGA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, so your contributions are tax-deductable as allowed by law.


JoLee and Jeff Gardner
Bob Izlar
Steve Kowalewski
Kay and Dean Wood
Dan and Rita Elliott
Betsy and Michael Shirk
Stan McAfee
Tom Gresham
James Page


Pat Garrow


Allen Vegotsky
Lucy Banks
Legacy Research c/o Deborah Joy
Marjorie Gay
Rick Sellers
Marion and Molly Rice
Brian and Larissa Thomas
Tammy Forehand
Carol Griffith
Bill Frazier
Lewis and Yvonne Ewbank
TRC Environmental Corporation
Jim Langford
Elizabeth Ansley Allan
David Allison
Jacquelyn C. Baker
Mary Theresa Bonhage-Freund
Dave and Jeanne Crass
Sanford M. Fitzsimmons
Carolyn Rock
Diana Popeck


Jack Tyler
Diane L. Wynocker
Carleton (Bill) & Beth Crabill
Constance White
Patricia L. (and David) Hughes
Joel Jones and Kathy Mulchrone
John “Chip” Morgan


Terry Hynes
Mary Beth Reed
Jim D’Angelo
SGA Board
Michael and Betsy Shirk, in honor of K. Kilgore
Lucy Banks, in honor of K. Kilgore
Marjorie Gay, in honor of K. Kilgore
Carole Griffith
Rick Sellers


Chris Murphy
Carole Griffith
Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Crabill, in honor of Betsy Shirk
Elizabeth Allan, in honor of Jack Kilgore
Catherine Long
Lewis and Yvonne Eubank
Jeanette (Lucy) Banks, in honor of Donald Reed
Rita & Dan Elliott
Allen Vegotsky
Tammy Herron, in memory of George Lewis
Rick Sellers
Michael and Betsy Shirk


Carole Griffith
Richard Sellers
Bob Cramer
Pamela Johnson, in honor/memory of Richard Johnson


Stan McAfee, on behalf of nephew Corley Thomas
Rick Sellers
Bulloch Hall Archaeological Society, in memory of Fred Schneider
Dan and Rita Elliott, in memory of Raymond Davis
Dan and Rita Elliott, in memory of Stewart Hughes
Dennis Blanton, in honor of Ft. Peachtree DAR
Jack and Mary Frank Wynn
William and Kathy Cox
Larry Blair, in memory of Fred Schneider
Northwest Georgia Archaeological Society, in memory of Fred Schneider
Jimmy and Ruth Fouche, in memory of Fred Schneider
R.F. (Dick) Brunelle, in memory of Fred Schneider
Jack Wynn, in memory of Fred Schneider
James Comer and Rachelle McIntosh, in memory of Fred Schneider
Michael and Betsy Shirk, in memory of Fred Schneider
Jennifer and Bic Vogel, in memory of Fred Schneider
Carol Ann Leonard, in memory of Fred Schneider
Chris Murphy, in memory of Fred Schneider
John (Chip) Morgan, in memory of Fred Schneider
Elizabeth Allan, in memory of Fred Schneider
Dennis Blanton, in memory of Fred Schneider
Terry Hynes, in memory of Fred Schneider
David Kasriel, in memory of Fred Schneider
Lynn Kirkland, in memory of Fred Schneider
Pat Lorusso, in memory of Fred Schneider
Gordon and Carole Midgette, in memory of Fred Schneider
Thomas Peard, in memory of Fred Schneider
Carol Reed, in memory of Fred Schneider
Allen Vegotsky, in memory of Fred Schneider
Constance White, in memory of Fred Schneider
Laurie Ruhl, Lois Rarick and Ellen Mullinax, in memory of Fred Schneider
Jerry Greer
Charlotte A. Smith and J.C. Burns
Carole Griffith
Tammy Herron


Jack and Mary Frank Wynn
Jack and Mary Frank Wynn
Elizabeth Allen, in memory of GAAS member Connie White
CAPS (c/o Susan Williams)
Carole Griffith
Dennis Blanton
Charlotte A. Smith and J.C. Burns


Frank Wynn, in memory of Dick Stone and Frank Schnell
Chris Murphy
John (Chip) Morgan, in memory of Frank Schnell

Thanks to all for your contributions to the Endowment Fund, which provides the Society with a constant and steady financial base. Follow the instructions above, and send in your own contribution.

Posted online on Saturday, May 22nd, 2010

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