The website of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources has been redesigned, and is now more attractive, not to mention informative! The DNR is the state entity responsible for Georgia’s cultural resources. The website notes:

The State of Georgia has a rich history. While many may consider Georgia’s starting point to be the founding of the State as one of the thirteen original American colonies in 1733, cultural resources reveal a story of human settlement in this area more than 12,000 years ago. Archaeology and historic preservation help us to learn about those that came before us. By preserving resources from our past, people today and our future generations can learn to appreciate the influence those resources have had in shaping the world in which we live.

Go to this webpage to read about the Historic Preservation Division. For information on DNR historic sites and historic parks, click here (there are currently eighteen)

The Director of HPD is archaeologist Dr. David Crass. Read more about Dr. Crass on this website, here.

Posted online on Saturday, June 12th, 2010

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Dju notice?

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) Perhaps you watched Steve Jobs and other Apple people introduce the iPad on 27 January 2010…. Fans of archaeology might have noted that one of the major demonstrations, of the program Keynote (does a better job of making presentations than the Microsoft program Powerpoint), used the topic “Seven Wonders of the World,” which focused on selected archaeological sites.

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