
I thought I was gonna lose a tire! I’ve never had a backfire from my muffler that loud! Turns out they were shooting rounds of muskets and then topping it off by firing a big cannon! It was great for all the visitors listening to the presentation before the firing, but geeze, I wish they could have rung a little bell to warn me.

Oh well, I almost got used to it after four hours. Here are some photos of a few of my visitors. Ms. P*, Real Dan*, and Veronica* had the pleasure to work with me today.

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* Handler’s Note: Abby thought it best not to use real names in many cases, especially when referring to her “handlers”—those people responsible for driving her and administering programs, and to some people she meets in her travels.

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May 23rd, 2014

\ As we were rolling through this beautiful historic town, my New South crew and I were noticing that a lot of the town looked fairly familiar…. That was when we found out that Senoia was actually Woodbury in the hit AMC show The Walking Dead!

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