Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected])

Give back to projects and missions that you’re interested in. Let SGA be the recipient of your volunteerism.

Archaeo-Volunteers: The World Guide to Archaeological and Heritage Volunteering, a 2009 book edited by Fabio Ausenda and Erin McCloskey (ISBN: 978-88-89060-15-5), is a good place to start if you are interested in working with a project abroad, however.

Start your volunteering “at home.” Volunteer with the SGA!

Login and tell us you’d like to help!

No time to volunteer? Maybe you can help by contributing to the SGA’s Endowment Fund—or maybe you’re very lucky, and can do both!

Posted online on Friday, August 27th, 2010

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April GARS meeting topic: a Spanish Paleolithic cave

Submitted by Jim D'Angelo ([email protected]) Dr. Jim D’Angelo will give a presentation on examples of Cro-Magnon and later cave art, at the monthly meeting of the Gwinnett Archaeological Research Society, a chapter of the SGA, at its meeting on Thursday April 8, 2010.

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