The SGA has joined The Coalition to Preserve the Georgia Archives and needs you to help support the Archives. Get ready to DIAL NOW. Calls to members of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and/or the Senate Appropriations Higher Education Subcommittee are especially important.

On Monday, 11 March 2013, the House Appropriations Committee passed the 2014 state budget with an additional $224,000 for the Georgia Archives. The Senate has only a few days to review the budget and pass its version, and for a House-Senate conference committee to then work out any differences in the two versions.

Please call and email your State Senator ASAP, especially if he or she is on either the Committee or the Subcommittee mentioned above.

Please ask her/him to support full funding of $450,000 which the Board of Regents has requested for the Georgia Archives in the 2014 state budget.

Senator Buddy Carter, from the Savannah/Chatham County area, is Chairmen of the Senate Appropriations Higher Education Subcommittee. His State Capitol Office phone is 404-656-5109. His emails are: [email protected] and [email protected]

>Senator Jack Hill, from Reidsville, is Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. His State Capitol Office phone is 404-656-5038, and his email is [email protected]

The other members of the Senate Appropriations Higher Education Subcommittee are:

Sen. Ronnie Chance (R-16; Tyrone) 404-463-1366 (He is also the Senate Majority Leader)

Sen. Bill Cowsert (R-46; Athens) 404-463-1383 (He is also Chairman of the Higher Education Committee)

Sen. Gail Davenport (D-44; Jonesboro) 404-463-5260

Sen. Cecil Staton (R-18; Macon) 404-656-5039

There are 28 Senators on the Senate Appropriations Committee, from across the State. All members of this important Committee are listed here.

Also…please also ask your Senator to support bringing HB 287, which is now in the Senate (and is the bill which will transfer the Georgia Archives into the University System of Georgia under the Board of Regents), to a vote and to support its passage in the Senate. This bill passed the House last week.

The SGA encourages its members and those interested in Georgia’s past to act now to help the Georgia Archives, repository of many important historical documents, remain a viable institution for our state’s citizens.

Posted online on Monday, October 11th, 2010

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