The SGA is a member of the Coalition to Preserve the Georgia Archives and has received the following information from the Georgia Historical Records Advisory Board (GHRAB) regarding HB 287, a bill to transfer the Georgia Archives from the Secretary of State’s Office to the Board of Regents, University System of Georgia. Great News! HB 287 has been voted on and passed in the Georgia House by a vote of 170 to 0! This means that the measure now goes to the Senate for consideration and a vote. Mrs. Glenda Anderson, a member of the GHRAB, expressed the following: “This is a first major victory on the road to a brighter future for the Georgia Archives. But, there is still more work to be done.” We urge supporters of the Georgia Archives to please call or email your own Representative and thank him or her for supporting HB 287. Please call or email your own Senator and alert him or her to the bill coming to the Senate and encourage him or her for a prompt and supportive vote on the measure. Both contacts are very important!

To find contact information for your Representative, click here.

To find contact information for your Senator, click here.

Posted online on Monday, October 11th, 2010

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