Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected])

Photo by Terry Dickson.

Terry Dickson reports in the online version of The Augusta Chronicle about archaeological investigations in the Brunswick community of Selden Park in an article dated October 3rd, 2010. Dickson reports that the investigations have turned up evidence of prehistoric use of the area, including pottery that dates to about AD 800–900 (the Early Mississippian period).

Read the full Chronicle article here.

Where to find it

Click above to go to a larger Google interactive map of the area.

Posted online on Tuesday, October 5th, 2010

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Researcher skill: Assessing letters

Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected]) General Howard is standing at left in this drawing of General William T. Sherman (seated, center) and his generals printed on the front page of the 29 November 1894 issue of the National Tribune; it has Howard’s signature on the left.

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