In fact, my handlers are arranging something VERY special for the fair. In addition to all my regular activities, I will have three special ones about agriculture for the fair. Yeah, I know, that’s what I said. Agriculture??? I am suppose to be about ARCHAEOLOGY! But then I overheard my handlers talking about how archaeologists know all about agriculture, even about the kinds of plants Native Americans used thousands of years ago! Archaeologists get more out of the soil than just artifacts. They study pollen, seeds, and other plant parts to learn what people were planting, eating, or living near. I will even have some activities about archaeology and agriculture for visitors to do, especially for the school kids who will come see me during their field trips to the fair as part of the “Stories of Agriculture”.

My handlers made this flyer for the fair to give to all the school kids and their teachers. But all I can think about are funnel cakes, the racing pigs, pickle dogs, fireworks, funnel cakes, live music, and did I mention funnel cakes?

You would think I would deserve a break after eleven, 14-hour days at the fair, huh? Well, I heard that the following weekend I am going to the Indian Springs Festival near Macon. But surely after that you would think I get some quality R&R, huh?

Apparently, however, I am going to a place where hundreds of teachers will visit me, since they will be getting this flyer about me. Eeeek! I mean, I’m not scared or anything…I’m sure the teachers going to the Georgia Conference on the Social Studies in Athens on October 28 and 29 will just LOVE me. But you know how it is…all those teachers milling around. They will probably find a typo on me, or expect me to know all the answers to their teacher-questions. I guess its pay-back for skipping school all those days to go to the fair!

Well, wish me luck! I’ll have lots to write once I get a break in November.

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September 23rd, 2013

\ These were some smart kids! They are all part of the S.A.G.E. program, and we could all tell why. They had already been studying up on their archaeological knowledge, and they knew what they were talking about!

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