The ArchaeoBus at the Georgia Council for the Social Studies annual state conference in Athens.

As promised, I will tell you about another October first for me. In late October I went to the Georgia Council for the Social Studies annual state conference in Athens, Georgia. Look at the cool location they gave me. Several of my handlers came with me, including TG, Bitsy, Michaelo, Veronica, Charlotte, and Tareesa. My friend Chadley, who helps out in a pinch, brought us supplies. They arranged me in a quite pleasing layout.

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I have to tell you, Diary, these teachers were sharp! They got more correct answers on the games and quizzes than the general public usually gets. (Makes you feel good, doesn’t it?!) AND guess what the teachers did…they actually READ the instructions on everything. Can you believe it? I mean, my handler Veronica is always going on and on about how no one reads my labels. She had to close her mouth this time!

I have to admit I was a little, hmm, nervous about having all those teachers come see me. I thought they would be like Miss Snevilous, a teacher who would come aboard when I was a bookmobile. She was cranky. But all the teachers at the GCSS were super nice and even fun! They laughed with each other when doing my activities and they said so many nice things about me. It’s a good thing I am a verbal learner. I can remember most of what is said when I hear it. One teacher said I was, “A wonderful way for students to understand the past through tactile, visual, and verbal activities.” And another said, “This is a great idea for students to relate to the curriculum.” Gee, I might even forgive ol' Miss Snevilous after all this. I think the teachers liked the ideas and free things, too. (They are a lot like archaeologists.) Teachers got free posters, little packs of the Three Sisters seeds, chances to win that colorful “Frontiers in the Soil” book and teachers guide, and the web site address that features not only me, but lots of free things to download.

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Oh, Diary, I almost forgot to tell you the best thing. Yours truly, was on the cover of the conference program! Yep, this 46 page program had my picture on the cover (well, OK, it was the back cover, but that’s still a cover, right?) It told all about me and invited teachers to come see me in the plaza. I can only assume that I am more photogenic than I realized, because lots of teachers came. I think I might like teachers after all. Even ol’ Miss Snevilous. Maybe she was just having a bad day.

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November 13, 2010

Today I want to tell you all about the crazy Georgia National Fair in Perry. As you know, Diary, this was the very first time I went to the fair. I knew it was going to be a big deal when I heard that 26 volunteers would be working with me during the eleven days of the fair!

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