Submitted by Kelly Woodard ([email protected])

Greetings All!

I, Kelly Woodard, would like to introduce myself as the incoming editor for The Profile newsletter and website. As a recent graduate of Georgia State University, I am excited to be an active member of the Georgia archaeological community, especially the Society for Georgia Archaeology.

Currently, I am reviving the newsletter and hope to have a 2010 back issue in printable format available soon. In an effort to help the environment, improve distribution, and reduce costs, the SGA is no longer mailing paper newsletters, but rather make the newsletter available for print and/or reading online. So, this website will be constantly updated with stories, and we plan to prepare quarterly newsletters capturing the most intriguing stories and information that have been featured online. I believe that the newsletter will be a perfect way to archive the society’s information, which will make it easy to reference and for future SGA generations to reflect upon the Society’s activities.

My goals as editor include getting members of the SGA involved with the website and newsletter. As an organization, we can be successful if we all constantly contribute information. I am going to be reaching out to the SGA community and hope that all of you will reach out to me regarding your archaeological endeavors. I can be reached by email here.

I feel that revamping the website to include daily organizational updates from SGA members, communities, chapter leaders, professional archaeologists and firms, university and scholars, volunteers and volunteer opportunities, local archaeological sites and governmental organizations will reawaken the public’s awareness about what is happening in Georgia archaeology. We are all interested in archaeology, and even more so, in informing others about this interest. To make the SGA website and newsletter successful, I need the help of every one of you to contribute information, stories, and photographs.

Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have. I look forward to hearing from you all.


Kelly Woodard

Posted online on Monday, December 6th, 2010

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Introduction: New Editor, Early Georgia

Submitted by Jared Wood ([email protected]) Hello SGA members, As many of you already know, I am the incoming Editor of SGA’s publication Early Georgia. I am proud to accept this position; SGA is a vibrant organization that serves a vital role in the archaeology of Georgia.

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