Submitted by Scot Keith (New South Associates, inc.)

Scot Keith, Archaeologist and Principal Investigator with New South Associates (in photo at right, on the Leake site during excavations), will be giving a talk about the Leake site at the Tellus Science Museum near Cartersville, Thursday, February 3, 2011.

The lecture, The Leake Site: History and Future of a Prehistoric Ceremonial Center, will discuss a period of nearly 1,000 years. This includes a local Native American village that was developed into a large ceremonial center and considered a gateway between the Southeast and Midwest. The Leake site complex contains remnants of mounds, a moat, and a hilltop stone wall. Keith’s discussion will give insight into the lives of these fascinating prehistoric peoples. Click here to read or download a flyer about the talk.

The Tellus Science Museum was originally known as the Weinman Mineral Museum. They have expanded their displays and exhibits, which include: astronomical/planetary displays, dinosaurs, and minerals. The talk is at 7pm, but get there early and enjoy the museum. If you are not a member of this museum, there is a $12 admission fee. Hope to see you there.

Where to find it

Click above to go to a larger Google interactive map of the area.

Posted online on Wednesday, January 19th, 2011

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