Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected])

The SGA’s website continues to be popular in the opening months of 2011.

After a dip in November 2010 through January 2011 in daily pageviews, a measure not just of how many visitors the website has, but how much exploring they do, our February average daily pageviews were 356. That’s a lot of eyeballs!

Indeed, our average daily count of unique visitors is similarly up in February 2011. Unique visitors is not a count of people exactly, but of visitors from a particular internet location. All computers in a household, coffeeshop, or classroom would normally count as a single unique visitor. Obviously, we probably have more human visitors than the “unique visitors” figures reflect.

Now consider these two graphs of visitor loyalty, for January and February 2011. Visitor loyalty is how many repeat visits are made by computers from the same internet location. Here’re the January figures:

And here’re the ones for February:

Note that the high categories differ for the two months, but for January 183 “people” visited our website,, 26 or more times. In February, 268 “people” visited at least 26 times. If the visitors are one person, this means that many individuals visited the website approximately every other day—or even more often!

Also, the one-time visitor counts decreased slightly in February as a percentage of all visits. This all indicates that our website is building a higher count of repeat visitors, and some are real fans!

Email the website’s Content Editor and The Profile Editor Kelly Woodard by clicking here with your story for this website—you know it’ll be read! (The Profile is the quarterly on-line newsletter of the Society for Georgia Archaeology.)

To read more stories about this website, click here.

Posted online on Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011

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