Submitted by S. Dwight Kirkland, Program Planner ([email protected])

The South Georgia Archaeological Research Team (SOGART) will hold its annual research symposium on Saturday, August 20, 2011, at South Georgia College, Douglas, Georgia.

The meeting will be held in the Stubbs Hall auditorium (Science Building) with the morning session beginning at 8:30am and ending at noon. It will reconvene for an afternoon session at 1:00 pm and continue until around 5:00 pm. While the general focus will be on research from the Atlantic and Gulf Coastal Plains, presentations from other physiographic regions will also be considered for the program.

Anyone interested in making a presentation can contact Dwight Kirkland. Presenters should plan for a 20-25 minute presentation with a subsequent five minute question/answer period. Listeners are invited too! Come for a day of sharing, learning, and camaraderie.

Click here to access a one-page call for papers suitable for distribution or posting.

Posted online on Tuesday, March 22nd, 2011

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