Submitted by Jack Wynn ([email protected])

The exterior front of the company store-warehouse building today.

Were you ever a Passport In Time Volunteer?

If so, you are invited to the Passport In Time (PIT) Reunion at Scull Shoals, Georgia! The date is Saturday, April 30th, between 10AM and 4PM!

The Reunion is being held in conjunction with the Scull Shoals Festival (read story here about the Festival and Herb Walk) at the old mill site on the Oconee National Forest in Greene County. The big event is jointly hosted by the Friends of Scull Shoals, Inc, and the Chattahoochee-Oconee National Forests.

The Festival will have exhibits and demonstrators of 19th century crafts, musicians, food, guided walking tours of the village ruins. There will be presentations by re-enactors such as Dr. Lindsey Durham, and Jim the Company Store Clerk, and readings of letters home from the Civil War battlefronts. (Did I mention food?) In the afternoon Debbie Cosgrove and Dr. Allen Vegotsky will lead a guided tour of the Dr. Durham Herb Walk, where many of the doctor’s native plants are preserved and identified and some of their medicinal applications discussed. Oh, and lots of T-shirts!

In case you have forgotten, or you worked at another site, there are maps and directions to Scull Shoals on the Friends of Scull Shoals web site, online here. Please take a look at the web site for information about the ghost town, the archaeology and history research there, educational projects and programs, the Friends group, and past festivals. A donation of $8.00 is requested to support further educational projects of the non-profit Friends of Scull Shoals, Inc.

Come see the old mill town again, and visit with others who labored in the sun, scratched chigger bites and poison ivy in the summer sun as part of a PIT project! We will love to have you!

Come to Scull Shoals for the Festival and PIT Reunion, April 30, 2011! See you there!

This and other 2011 Archaeology Month events are listed on the SGA’s online calendar. Read more about a previous guided tour of the Herb Walk on this website here.

Where to find it

Click above to go to a larger Google interactive map of the area.

Posted online on Friday, April 1st, 2011

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Resources at Risk

Resources at Risk: Defending Georgia’s Hidden Heritage is a special issue of Early Georgia, published in May 2001. The goals of this issue were 1) to expand public perception of what archaeology is and what archaeologists do; 2) to call attention to the urgent need for the preservation and stewardship of archaeological resources, or at least the recovery of basic information before it is destroyed; and, 3) to spur discussion of new ways that Georgians can accumulate more archaeological knowledge and save more resources, and disseminate this new information to the public.

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