Left to right: Rob Moon, Savannah Archeological Research Program; Brandon Batt, Edwards-Pitman Environmental, Inc.; Lori Thompson, Edwards-Pitman Environmental, Inc.; Governor Nathan Deal; Catherine Long, Gwinnett Environmental & Heritage Center, and SGA President; Pam Baughman, Georgia Department of Transportation, and SGA Secretary; Dave Crass, State Archaeologist and Director, Historic Preservation Division of the Georgia Department of Natural Resources; and Tammy Herron, Savannah Archeological Research Program, and SGA Vice-President.

On May 31st, 2011, Governor Nathan Deal signed the proclamation declaring that May is Georgia Archaeology Month. See the original commemoration photograph here.

The proclamation states:

WHEREAS: Georgia’s archaeological sites are important part of our state’s heritage, making the arrival of American Indians more than 10,000 years ago and documenting the exploration, colonization and founding of our nation by Europeans, Africans and Asians; and

WHEREAS: Georgia’s archaeological sites lie under forests, farms and cities as well as beneath rivers, streams and coastal waters. These sites, which hold clues about our state’s rich and diverse history, are fragile and endangered by forces such as erosion, uncontrolled development and looting or vandalism; and

WHEREAS: Georgia’s archeological sites have yielded significant information about the historic culture of Native Americans who inhabited this land from the mountains to the sea, providing a better understanding of the form, function, and materials used in making items necessary for human survival, even today; and

WHEREAS: The study, interpretation and preservation of our archaeological sites offer important educational, cultural and economic benefits to all Georgians; and

WHEREAS: Georgia’s archaeologists seek to increase awareness awareness of our state’s archaeological history as a means to protect and preserve these irreplaceable links to our past; and

WHEREAS: Georgia Archaeology Awareness Month offers Georgians an opportunity to explore “Gone But Not Forgotten: Rediscovering the Civil War Through Archaeology”: now

THEREFORE: I, NATHAN DEAL, Governor of the state of Georgia, do hereby proclaim May 2011 as Archaeology Month in Georgia.

Access a high-resolution printable copy of the signed proclamation by clicking here.

Posted online on Wednesday, June 22nd, 2011

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