Early Georgia publishes papers on the archaeology of Georgia and closely related subjects. While all submissions are subject to editorial review, authors may request to have their papers reviewed through a formal peer review process. Papers accepted for publication through the peer review process will be designated as Peer-Reviewed Articles.

All articles submitted for publication should be sent directly to the Editor in electronic format using MS Word or WordPerfect by clicking here. Illustrations should consist of either high quality prints or scans with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Style should conform to the guidelines published in American Antiquity (revised 2003). The style guide is located at http://www.saa.org/publications/Styleguide/styframe.html.

Technical comments for submittal of graphics: send text and graphics in separate files; do not shrink or compress photos in any way before submitting; convert color photos to grayscale before submitting; diagrams (but not photos) should be saved in formats like PDF or EPS.

In addition, graphics should be sent in jpg or tif format and not embedded in the Word document. Exception: articles for peer review should be sent initially with graphics included in the document to allow easier distribution to reviewers.

Posted online on Wednesday, November 30th, 2011

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