I got to set up here next to the Museum of Science and History.

My banner on the corner attracted bridge and downtown traffic.

Dee Dee Joyce and her friend try my ethno-botanical boards.

Ashcroft talks to two Jacksonville area residents.

But Diary, I simply MUST tell you about Tommy. He is so c-o-o-o-o–l! I first heard about Tommy when Veronica came back outside. She went in the museum to check out all the different ways the FPAN folks and others in Florida have been doing public archaeology outreach. Veronica was telling Ashcroft all about Tommy the Tortoise.

Tommy the Tortoise Archaeo Cart. Isn’t he SO handsome?!

Apparently he is an incredibly handsome Archaeo Cart. And, Diary, we have SO MUCH in common…he has a shipwreck; he goes to schools and events; he has hands-on activities…just like me! Diary, I think we were made for each other. And Tommy has other endearing characteristics. He has an entire set of drawers full of activities and he even has a TOUCH SCREEN! And, Diary, his title is “Junior Archaeologist”! I am so impressed. Ever since I left Jacksonville, I can’t help but think of Tommy all the time. I hope I get to work with him again. I do hope I get to see him again… Veronica said he talked about me on his blog. I wonder what he said. I wonder if he likes me.

I just have to thank my new FPAN friends for bringing Tommy and I together! Thank you Rae, Roz, Becky, Amber, Jeff, and Sarah!!!! I’ll never forget the day I first met Tommy.

Ashcroft (far left) visits with my new FPAN friends, Jeff, Roz, and Becky.

*Abby often gets names a bit mixed up, and always uses an alias for each of her handlers.

See Also

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November 15, 2010

The ArchaeoBus at the Georgia Council for the Social Studies annual state conference in Athens. As promised, I will tell you about another October first for me. In late October I went to the Georgia Council for the Social Studies annual state conference in Athens, Georgia.

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