Here’s my VIP spot right in front of the Classic Center entrance!

Here I am keeping an eye on my handlers manning the table top activities inside. Note my lovely banner “shades” keeping the sun at bay.

My handlers, Bitsy and Veronica stand ready to answer questions from the onslaught of teachers at the conference.

It was very chilly during my stint, but I didn’t mind so much because I got to see some old friends and make new ones. I always love the teachers because they appreciate me and read all my exhibit text and instructions and they aren’t afraid to try out all my hands-on activities. In fact, they seem to relish the chance to try them. And Diary, do you know that they are really smart?! Those teachers know a lot more than most people about archaeology! The best part was hearing a lot of them say things like, “I saw you last year but had to come back and see you again”, or telling their friends, “Hey come check out the ArchaeoBus; it was here last year and it’s really something!”

And of course, it was especially cool making new friends this year when teachers visited me for the first time. My most favorite visitors were the student teachers who were so young and eager and enthusiastic about teaching and learning. It reminded me of myself when I was a young bookmobile…but that is ancient history!

T.G. and I listen to an enthusiastic educator.

Here’s a close-up of my view from the parking lot.

* Handler’s Note: Abby thought it best not to use real names in many cases, especially when referring to her “handlers”—those people responsible for driving her and administering programs.

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November 28, 2011

Part of the crowd inside the brewery. I counted several hundred people go through the doors! Young people, students, older people, even dogs! Lots of dogs! Mind you, I like dogs, that is, dogs that don’t “like” my tires, if you know what I mean….

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