Submitted by Catherine Long ([email protected])

As the 2011 year rapidly winds down I take this opportunity to report on the status of the Society for Georgia Archaeology.

The organization is in good financial health. The silent auction at the Spring Meeting and the Audacious Archaeology Auction (both silent and live) at the Fall Meeting raised monies for the Endowment Fund. Many kudos to those who helped spearhead this fundraising initiative and for those who financially supported it. These significant contributions would not have been possible without you.

The SGA has also supported many public outreach initiatives this calendar year. The number of people reached across the state at these events was approximately 447,000. The website also tracks visitors and reports that 80% of the visits are by new visitors. It is encouraging to see the numbers of people who are learning about the Society for Georgia Archaeology.

Another great announcement is that SGA has been approved to join the Society for American Archaeology Council of Affiliated Societies. This organization will help the Society for Georgia Archaeology keep abreast of national and international archaeological issues. It will provide an opportunity to learn from colleagues as well. We look forward to participating with other archaeological organizations on the continued efforts of preservation and education.

An early Save the Date will be announced shortly for the annual Archaeology Month Spring meeting for a Saturday in April or May. The theme will follow the bicentennial of the War of 1812 and feature a field trip to Fort Daniel. Stay tuned for more details—this will be an event you do not want to miss!

The ten Chapters (Augusta Archaeology Society, Blue Ridge Archaeological Guild, Coastal Archaeological Society, Golden Isles Archaeological Society, Greater Atlanta Archaeological Society, Gwinnett Archaeological Research Society, Northwest Georgia Archaeology Society, Ocmulgee Archaeological Society, South Georgia Archaeological Research Team and West Georgia Underwater Archaeological Society) of the Society for Georgia Archaeology have been actively participating in archaeological projects across the state, hosting guest speakers and supporting Archaeology Month through offering related educational events. It is through these local chapters that SGA is able to reach a wider audience across the state. We look forward to continuing to work together!

At the end of the year we encourage and invite you to support the SGA Endowment Fund through a financial contribution. The Endowment Fund supports educational outreach and the preservation of archaeological sites. Your donation to the fund will help support these ongoing initiatives and if you have already contributed for this calendar year, we sincerely thank you for your generosity. Please note that your donation is tax-deductible and must be postmarked December 31st to apply to the 2011 tax year. The Society for Georgia Archaeology is grateful for any financial contributions.

We look forward to keeping abreast of all the exciting research and events in Georgia archaeology. We remind you to continue to send these great stories or notes to the Editor of The Profile, the SGA’s quarterly newsletter, by by clicking here. Don’t forget to renew your membership for 2012. As the year quickly closes we hope to soon announce the establishment of online membership and Endowment payments.

On behalf of the Officers and Board Members I thank you for your support of SGA and wish you and your family Happy Holidays.

Catherine Long, President

Send Endowment Fund contributions to: The Society for Georgia Archaeology, Treasurer, P.O. Box 693, Athens, GA 30603. Please put “Endowment Fund” on the subject line of your check. If the contribution is to honor someone, please include the honoree’s name and complete address with your contribution check. All recipients will be notified of the contribution made in their honor. To read all stories on this website about the SGA’s Endowment Fund, click here.

Posted online on Thursday, December 15th, 2011

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President's Message through June 2011

Submitted by Catherine Long ([email protected]) Welcome summer! I hope this message finds you well and enjoying a relaxed and hot summer here in Georgia. Hopefully you were able to attend SGA’s Spring Meeting on May 14th—the membership and general public participated in an educational meeting full of Civil War archaeology and recent archaeology research as well as a weekend full of fun activities.

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