Are you looking for a terrific book to introduce you to archaeology in Georgia—one that’s perfect for folks of every age? Read Frontiers in the Soil by the late archaeologist Roy S. Dickens, Jr., available only from the SGA! (Here’s a link to the order form.)

Dickens’ text is easy to read and you’ll enjoy wonderful color cartoon illustrations by James L. McKinley. Dickens describes archaeological methods and ethics through the lens of young archaeologists working on a excavation project that uncovers a Mississippian-period village. The story moves to the laboratory where researchers begin to tell the story of the people who once lived in the village based on fragments of broken ceramic pots and other artifacts.

The SGA recommends Frontiers in the Soil to anyone interested in Georgia’s archaeological heritage. The volume has over 100 pages, and the cartoons offer insightful details.

Pricing: Single copies of Frontiers in the Soil are $16.95 apiece for up to 10 copies. For 10 or more copies, we charge $10.20 each. Add postage and handling costs of $3 for one copy, $4 for two copies, and add 50¢ per copy for each additional copy up to ten copies, and $8.00 for 10 copies.

Read all stories on this website about the book by clicking here. And, click here to access to a lesson plan based on the book.

Posted online on Friday, May 18th, 2012

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