Submitted by Catherine Long ([email protected] [email protected])

Question: Well, it’s summer now and what are kids doing?

Answer: Attending summer camp and having fun on summer vacation!

One of the great opportunities to educate children about archaeology occurs during the summer months. As many of you all know, one of the primary objectives of SGA is to raise public awareness of the importance of archaeology through education.

Check out the local listings for camps, field schools and volunteer opportunities. For those interested in archaeology as a career or to spur their child to examine the interdisciplinary focus of the field it is great fun for everyone. Kids of all ages will enjoy delving into examining the legacy left behind by others.

A great introduction to Georgia archaeology is the book Frontiers in the Soil. This website is THE place to order a copy of Frontiers. (Click here for ordering information.)

Don’t forget to check out educational resources listed at the SGA website too. Summer is a great time to explore Georgia’s rich history – whether it’s visiting a local Georgia State Park Historic Site, a local museum or ongoing field school—get out there.

Happy exploring this summer!

Posted online on Friday, July 13th, 2012

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