Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected])

The Georgia State Archives are to remain open.

In late September 2012, as we noted on this website, Georgia’s Secretary of State Brian Kemp announced that the Archives would close to the public on November 1st.

On behalf of the SGA’s members, President Catherine Long sent a letter of support for keeping the Archives open.

Of course, the outcry of support came from many other organizations and individuals.

An October 18th press release notes, “Gov. Nathan Deal and Secretary of State Brian Kemp announced today that the state will restore $125,000 to Kemp’s budget to keep the Georgia State Archives open to Georgians for the remainder of the budget year.”

The press release also notes, “The extra funding provides for Georgia State Archives to be open to the public through June 30 of next year. On July 1, the Georgia Archives will be transferred to University System of Georgia, pending approval of the move by the General Assembly. This transfer will include appropriations required for operation and assets of the Georgia Archives.”

The Georgia State Archives will maintain its current access hours.

Posted online on Friday, October 19th, 2012

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