Submitted by Catherine Long ([email protected] [email protected] [email protected])

October is a busy but magical time of the year—with cooler temperatures and the beautiful kaleidoscope of leaf color, it is one of my favorite seasons. Nevertheless, the month of October is one of the busiest months for SGA as well. Board Member Kevin Kiernan organized the SGA’s annual participation in CoastFest and reached several thousand Georgians. This public education event provides the opportunity to share information on how archaeologists do their jobs and allows for hands-on activities too.

Don’t forget the Fall Meeting is just around the corner and will be held at the Columbus Museum! It will be an educational and exciting day that will include presentations in the morning followed by an afternoon feature a tour of the Columbus Museum and a visit to the National Civil War Naval Museum. Thank you to Susanne Newberry, Matthew Newberry, Dean Wood, Lynn Pietak and Rebecca Bush in the organization of the Fall Meeting. SGA appreciates the Columbus Museum’s willingness to host the Fall Meeting!

Online registration, membership dues, Endowment contributions, and future e-commerce remain top initiatives of the organization and will continue to be as these segments are added to the SGA website. The Board is working to establish policies for these accounts. As the fiscal year is wrapping up, I also invite you to contribute to the Endowment Fund and support SGA through your financial donation. Each contribution that is made goes toward the preservation of Georgia archaeology.

The Board Members for 2008–2012 have completed a four year term with SGA and have greatly contributed to the healthy status of the organization. We are grateful for the contributions and service of Sammy Smith, Kevin Kiernan, Lynn Pietak and Rob Moon. We appreciate the accomplishments that you have provided—a lively and current website; organized Spring and Fall Meetings, Coastfest organization; contributions to The Profile, Early Georgia, and the SGA website; recognition of annual Social Studies state fair winners, attending meetings; and more. Thank you for providing input to this organization.

I have enjoyed serving SGA as President over the past two years and am excited about the continued growth of the organization. It takes a lot of work from individuals who give of their time to carry out the objectives of the organization. It has been a worthwhile experience working with colleagues to further the mission and vision of this organization. I would be remiss if I did not take this opportunity to thank my husband for his support and encouragement. He kept the family running when I was away at SGA meetings and functions. Thank you for your constant love and support!

In closing, I encourage your continued support of the Society for Georgia Archaeology. As you can see great things continue to happen and we need your participation and support to be a strong and healthy organization. I am excited about the future of SGA and I look forward to seeing the accomplishments of the organization under the leadership of incoming President Tammy Herron.

Catherine Long, SGA President

Posted online on Friday, October 19th, 2012

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President's Message: Fall 2011

Submitted by Catherine Long ([email protected]) It is that time of the year when good things happen. The weather is cooler and the leaves change into a delightful array of colors. If you are like me it is also one of the busiest times of the year.

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