The college crowd adores me!

They were taking various anthropology and archaeology classes. It was a lot of fun. I think they learned a lot about archaeology that supported what they were studying in class.

Archaeology lab work is intriguing!

And a lot of other people came by to see me, too, like homeschool students, art students, members of the community and people who were just walking by me. Veronica said that it was part of a grant that Armstrong Anthropology and Archaeology Instructors Barbara Bruno and Laura Seifert got from the university to do a program called “Digging Savannah”. (Check them out on the internet at Apparently, I was just part of the program that included a series of archaeology speakers over a period of several months and even an App for mobile phones that will teach people about archaeological sites in Savannah. Of course, not to be bragging or anything, but I imagine I was the best part of the Digging Savannah program. (Sorry David Hurst Thomas, I’m sure everyone liked your talk a whole lot! But you know, you are a person, and I’m this big, colorful bus with buttons and hatches and games and things….)

My handlers said my appearance was very successful. I figured as much because I counted over 200 people that came out to see me and everyone had a great time trying out all my activities. I want to thank my handler, Morris, for helping get me ready for all those students. He is very nice (and not nearly as fussy as Veronica!) And thanks to all those wonderful helpers from Armstrong Atlantic State University Anthropology Club, students, and especially Ms. Bruno and Ms. Seifert! Hey, maybe one day I can get an honorary degree from the University…. Well, Diary, I’m in the middle of another BIG project. I will write to you soon about that.


* Pseudonyms—Abby rarely gets her handler’s names correct!
Photos courtesy of Laura Seifert.

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