Submitted by Sammy Smith ([email protected])

The SGA website continues to serve the goals and mission of the Society. It informs members of activities of the Society, and of its Chapters. It helps members and the interested public learn about archaeology in Georgia, and archaeology in general.

The website is successful because the level of attention the website gets is substantial. In 2102, the website received just over 50,000 visits and just over 101,000 pageviews by over 42,000 unique visitors. That averages to 116 unique visitors every day.

In late Fall 2012, Ben Steere took the helm of The Profile, with a principal mission to obtain the stories you find and read on this website (Read more about Ben here). In February, Ben’s work was obvious—you could read 20 new stories posted to the website, at a rate that exceeds one per business day. (This count is higher than normal mostly because of notices regarding Archaeology Month and the SGA’s Spring Meeting—that’s considerable Society news for your perusal.)

Milestone: in September 2012, we posted the 1000th story (page) to the website since the website redesign debuted in Spring 2009. Cumulatively, that’s a LOT of news and information. With Ben’s help, we expect our annual count of new stories (pages in the graphic below) to increase in 2013 over 2012 rates.

The website does receive less attention during school’s-out summer months, and therefore hosts varying levels of pageviews and unique visitors per month. Still, annual counts of unique visitors and pageviews (averaging 116/day and 278/day, respectively, in 2012) indicate significant levels of attention to this online resource produced by a small non-profit volunteer organization like the SGA.

Beginning in December 2012, we noted that visitors using tablets and smart phones exceeded 10% of visits to the website. That level has been maintained in January and February of 2013. Other visitors use laptops and desktop machines….

The SGA’s website is a volunteer effort. Join the SGA! Or make a donation to the SGA to help support this important online resource.

For more information…

Help the SGA keep current news about archaeology in Georgia on the web by clicking here to email your story idea to The Profile and website content editor Ben Steere.

Read more stories about the SGA’s website by clicking here.

Join the SGA by clicking here! Make a donation by clicking here!

Find the SGA on Facebook by clicking here.

Posted online on Tuesday, March 5th, 2013

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