Submitted by Leslie Perry

Each year The Society for Georgia Archaeology designs an archaeology awareness poster to celebrate May as Archaeology Month in Georgia. The 2013 poster was designed by SGA Board Member Amanda Morrow, with graphics assistance provided by Vince Macek of TRC Environmental Corporation, and support from the Savannah River Archaeological Research Program. The 2013 Theme is: “Digging and Diving into the Past: Celebrating 20 Years of Georgia Archaeology Awareness.” The distance-destination posters were stuffed in shipping tubes, packed in recycled boxes, and mailed. Tammy Herron, Catherine Long, Leslie Perry, and Lynn Pietak hand-delivered posters for eigth grade Social Studies teachers in Metro Atlanta and adjacent counties. An associated lesson plan will be delivered to the schools this summer, which coordinates with the poster for the 2013-2014 school year.

Poster stuffing this year was held Wednesday, May 8 at TRC Environmental Corporation in Norcross. The SGA wishes to thank them for hosting the volunteers and helping with this endeavor. The volunteers who loaded the tubes and applied labels were: Tammy Herron, Catherine Long, Leslie Perry, Carol Boyce, Al Vegotsky, and Frank Perry. They devoted a total of 29 volunteer hours to sending the posters.

Leslie Perry displaying the poster for Georgia Archaeology Month.

From left to right, Carole Boyce, Leslie Perry, Allen Vegotsky, and Catherine Long pack posters.

Posted online on Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

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The (electronic) Profile is coming!

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