This summer Jack Wynn, long-time SGA member and professor of anthropology at the University of North Georgia, returned to the Duckett site with his field school and members of the Blue Ridge Archaeology Guild to continue an ongoing field research program. Their work continues to shed new light on the nature of an important Woodland period site in northern Georgia.

After completing a systematic shovel test survey, students and volunteers under Wynn’s direction have begun excavating test excavation units at Duckett. The majority of the pottery recovered from the Duckett site has been identified as Cartersville Simple Stamped, suggesting a Middle Woodland period site occupation (ca. A.D. 200 – 700).

This summer’s field school at Duckett was the subject of a recent news article in the Gainesville Times. To read the article, which includes several excellent photographs of Wynn and his crew in action, click here.

Posted online on Friday, June 28th, 2013

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